Clark Albert Blomquist


Clark Albert Blomquist was born in Durham, North Carolina in 1972, and grew up in the Tampa Bay area of Florida.  As an artist, composer and performer, he was an active participant in the vital underground Punk and Metal scenes in that region of Florida in the mid to late 80s, as well as the Indie and Experimental Music communities that developed there in the 1990s. 

In 1998 Blomquist moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where he has continued to undertake artistic projects including studio recording, live music performance, experimental home recording, poster making, and video production.  He is/has been a member of the bands CRANKSHAFT (No Idea Records), THE KINGSBURY MANX (Yep Roc Records, Overcoat Records, Odessa Records), WORK CLOTHES, WAUMISS (Little Ramona Records), SPIDER BAGS (Merge Records), DAN MELCHIOR BAND (Midnight Cruiser Records, Sophmore Lounge Records), SSSSSSSNCUSA, COLD CREAM, ENTREZ VOUS, and the electronic music project TEGUCIGALPAN.

Blomquist's longtime love of traditional Honky-tonk-style Country Music culminated in a debut album featuring 10 original compositions in the Fall of 2020. The follow-up was released October 6, 2023. He performs often throughout North Carolina, and sometimes in Tennessee, with more far-flung destinations on the horizon.